SharePoint Server 2010 Decomposition Tree

The decomposition of the tree?

PerformancePoint Services for SharePoint Server 2010 introduces decomposition tree , an interactive schedule bar charts, which makes it easy to explore the contribution of relationships. It provides an effective alternative to "come up" feature in the analytical scales.

As the decomposition tree Helpful?

Decomposition Tree is particularly useful because it allows you to do all of the following in one easy to use browser window:

    conduct root cause analysis. Look at how a single value in the report or scorecard that uses SQL Server Analysis Services data can be divided into its contributing members. to identify trends across the individual members of the group. See the members of the group in descending order, listed top to bottom. Select the dimension you want to use for the next level of detail for the item in the decomposition tree. View all properties that are defined in the database for each member (you can do when you are at the lowest level of detail in the dimension).

SharePoint Server Decomposition Tree uses Silverlight technology, so you must have Microsoft Silverlight 2.0 or 3.0 installed on your computer.

Take advantage of the SharePoint family of products, including SharePoint Server 2010, SharePoint Foundation 2010, SharePoint Server 2007 and SharePoint without the associated templates or Web Parts.